For 6th grade and up! Sign up your student here:
over 1 year ago, ECSD
CTE Fridays
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything ECSD, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
over 1 year ago, ECSD
Introducing the new ECSD mobile app. It's everything Elko County School District in your pocket! Download our app on the iOS App Store or Android Play Store and enable notifications.
Parents/Guardians: By now you may have received a Free & Reduced Lunch Application from your child's school. To clarify, meals for the 2023-2024 school year are FREE for all. However, it’s important that all families still fill out the application; it provides important data that allows schools to receive additional funding and benefits to support students and teachers. Only one form per household is required. For your convenience it can be filled out online:
over 1 year ago, ECSD
FRL form
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
over 1 year ago, ECSD
Introducing the new ECSD mobile app. It's everything Elko County School District in your pocket! Download our app on the iOS App Store or Android Play Store and enable notifications.
Calling all Elko County Secondary Students (high school students)! You are invited to attend a free concert Tuesday, August 22 from 10:30- 11:15 AM at the Elko High School Performing Arts Building featuring world-renowned performer Alex Boyé. Boyé’s lively performance, You Are a 10, encourages connection amongst peers and raises mental health awareness. Boyé’s positive message aligns with our District and community aspirations found in our Strategic Plan 2023-2026: Our Relationships with families are productive and meaningful and Our Individual Health and collective wellness are essential to our success. This event is co-sponsored by the Cook Center for Human Connection and the Elko Federal Credit Union—our community partners who value and recognize the wellbeing of our students and staff. Families of students are also welcome to attend. About Boye “Alex Boyé is known for his dynamic African-infused music that has gained over 1 billion views on YouTube. After being named 2017 Artist of the Year and grand prize winner in a music contest sponsored by Pepsi & Hard Rock Cafe, he performed a half-time show for NFL's Monday Night Football this past December in Miami. Alex’s voice was featured in “Cruel Summer,” a short film by Kanye West that premiered at the Cannes Film festival. He has shared the stage with many notable artists including, Jay-Z, Tim McGraw, George Michael, Missy Elliott, Justin Timberlake, The Beach Boys, and opened for Olivia Newton John at the world-renowned Royal Albert Hall, fulfilling a life-time dream. Boyé, of Nigerian descent, was raised in London, became a U.S citizen on Feb 12th, 2012, and is an official ambassador for many causes, including the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, and speaks across the country giving entertaining keynotes on mental wellness. His remarkable studio recordings, viral videos, film appearances, and solo performances led to his unforgettable first audition on NBC’s America’s Got Talent, where judge Howie Mandel stated, 'In my six years here, this is my favorite music act ever—it really is!'
over 1 year ago, ECSD
Alex Boye
We're thrilled to announce the new app for ECSD! It's everything ECSD, in your pocket. Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
over 1 year ago, ECSD
it's everything Elko County School District, in your pocket download the elko county school district app from the iOS App Store of Android Play Store and enable Notifications
All EHS Students will need to check out a Chromebook. Here are the times and dates.
over 1 year ago, Elko High School
Chromebook Checkout
Seniors come leave your mark!
over 1 year ago, Elko High School
Senior Block Signing
The new FOUR DAY school week calendar is below. The first day of school is Monday, August 28th. Note that school will be in session on any Friday where Monday is the holiday - September 8th, February 23rd, and May 31st. Happy Summer!!!!
over 1 year ago, ECSD
We are so excited about our upcoming Dessert Theatre Event! Please join us. You can purchase tickets at the Elko Cowboy Arts and Gear Museum or from any High School Theatre Student. The students are working hard and it’s sure to be a hilarious show!! Thank you to Living Stones for allowing us to use your building and to The Cowboy Arts and Gear Museum for helping us sell tickets!! We are so grateful!
over 1 year ago, ECSD
Flyer for Alice in Wonderland
Seniors and Parents: Scholarship Convocation photos are on our website! Username: ElkoHS Password: GalleryGuest2023
over 1 year ago, ECSD
Graduation Caps